48 Hour Challenge with filmSPARK

A few weeks ago, during our monthly meeting, a member of The RTP “Let’s Make a Movie” Meetup group mentioned the SPARKcon Festival coming up in Raleigh.  SPARKcon has been going on for 6 years and last year they added a 48 Hour Film Challenge to their filmSPARK.  At first I was a little hesitant about doing the challenge for a few reasons.  One, the 48 Hour Film Project, cost over $100 to enter, so I didn’t know how much this would cost.  Second, it was very short notice, so I didn’t now how many people I could get to Continue reading 48 Hour Challenge with filmSPARK

Filming Heist H2O

The weekend of June 24 I got together with a The RTP “Let’s Make a Movie” Meetup group of people and we filmed a short movie in 48 hours.  We were part of the 48 Hour Film Project, a filming competition that requires teams to write, film, edit and submit a 7 minute film within a 48 hour time period.  This is the second year that I have competed in the contest and this year’s effort was much better than last year’s. The contest starts with team leaders drawing film genres randomly.  If the group doesn’t like the genre, they Continue reading Filming Heist H2O