Meetup for BlackBerry 10 by DeanLogic version 4.2.6 is now available for download. Unfortunatley, it doesn’t look like my change went through correctly and I noticed that I need to fix something that corresponds with that change.
The change added was the ability to Delete (Leave) a Group. I had been playing around trying to get this to work on a previous release and I accidently left the menu option available. Also, I had a couple requests for the feature, so I thought I would give it another try. I still haven’t added Join Group due to the complexity of that feature.

The reason I was unable to get the delete group feature working before was due to trying to send a GET or POST request. I wasn’t familar with the other REST methods. Because of this, I was having a mental disconnect between what the Meetup API was telling me to do and the code I was trying to create. I guess the break from coding on the app was helpful, because this time it clicked that I needed to call the DELETE method. The next step was figuring out that c++ didn’t have a DELETE method.
A quick search on the Interwebs yielded the information that I assumed was correct. I needed to use deleteResource as the method for the request.
The final change was to clear the Group data after the user selected to Leave Group and refresh the Group list. However, I forgot to add the step to also clear out the Event list. So, I appologize for not getting this feature in correctly and will get a fix out as soon as possible. I don’t know what is wrong with the Leave Group function, as it worked in the simulator when I tested it. I will get these things fixed and release an update ASAP.
DeanLogic Passport
Dean has been playing around with programming ever since his family got an IBM PC back in the early 80's. Things have changed since BASICA and Dean has dabbled in HTML, JavaScript, Action Script, Flex, Flash, PHP, C#, C++, J2ME and SQL. On this site Dean likes to share his adventures in coding. And since programming isn't enough of a time killer, Dean has also picked up the hobby of short film creation.
This is my Passport account (formerly my Z30 account) . Any posts made by this account were created Working Wide with my BlackBerry Passport device.