Simple WordPress to STEEMit Test

Testing the schedule feature of the WordPress with STEEMit. In my last post, I did change the publish time, so that might be the reason it published when I wasn’t expecting it to be published. This time I am setting the publish time to 14:30 and will leave it. Currently it is 12:54, so it will be over an hour before I expect this post to be published. If the publish feature doesn’t work, then there are still benefits of using WordPress over STEEMit to draft my Articles. The first benefit is that the article will be published on both Continue reading Simple WordPress to STEEMit Test

Author Box Adding Additional Contacts Hack

After posting about another app created by a developer in the Baby Steps: BB Dev BBM Group, I asked the group if anyone wanted to post an article on my blog about what is like to work with the BBM Group. Since the developers in the group are always thanking each other for help, I figured it would be good for developers outside of our group to know that there are groups who like to be helpful to each other when developing apps. And, since it is always good to get multiple opinions, I figured it would be good for Continue reading Author Box Adding Additional Contacts Hack

WP People

This plug-in will search a post and find names that match database records of people maked with the WP Category in the XFN Links. When it finds a match, it will replace the name with a link to the person. There is a administration screen for adding people and their bios to the database and viewing the current people marked for the filter. More than one person can be linked on a post. A individual name will only be linked once per post. Continue reading WP People

WP Mixed Tape

This a plugin that will take shortcode for track listings and make a “Mixed Tape” by turning the mp3 file links into music players and creating a play list of the tracks. The play list is a second shortcode that can be placed anywhere in the post. The play list can also show the tracks as a single album by changing the type. This will only show one link to the artist name added to the play list. The play list icon can be changed to show the mixed tape, cd, cd box, head phones or any image. The image should be small enough to fit inside the play list. Continue reading WP Mixed Tape

AHP Sitewide Recent Posts – hack 2.1ish

It’s funny how things happen to fall into place. Jacob over at was lamenting over the issue of not keeping the main page up-to-date. A few of the state sites have been posting updates, but Jacob has been a little busy and didn’t have anything to put on his front page. If only, he thought, there was a way to show the posts from the other sites. Well, what do you know, I was just playing around with a plug-in that did that. After pointing Jacob to the example on NC Freedom, he came back with some changes. The Continue reading AHP Sitewide Recent Posts – hack 2.1ish

Testing the syntax highlighter

So, I added this awesome plugin called SyntaxHighlighter Evolved that converts code into a pretty look on the blog. The reason for using this is obvious to any developer. It’s a real pain in the butt to convert code so that it will display in HTML. And you want to display code every now and then to show off your geek fu or just to complain about some code that was bugging you. Let’s see if my new buttons work. Basically, I am using WP-Quicktag to easily add QuickTags to a post. For the SyntaxHighlighter I decided to add two Continue reading Testing the syntax highlighter