Listing Marked Documents from Multiple Document Libraries – Part 2

In Part 1, I retrieved a list of Document Library lists that contained files and started building the display. Now, I need to get the marked documents and display them for each Document Library. Since I created the array libraryList as part of the first steps, I can now loop through this list and get each set of files. Now, make sure that you set the REST API “async” option to false, because you don’t want things to happen out of sequence and end up with nothing displayed. The call to each of the Document Library lists will have a Continue reading Listing Marked Documents from Multiple Document Libraries – Part 2

Listing Marked Documents from Multiple Document Libraries – Part 1

I had a small project at work to list marked documents a SharePoint site Page. The documents would be part of a Document Library and they are marked using a choice option, which means they need to be grouped by each of the options in the list. And, to top things off, there are multiple Document Library lists. And, to make things harder, the choice field has a different name in each of the Document Library list. At first, I thought this might be a hard little project, but it turned out easier to do than expected. I am using Continue reading Listing Marked Documents from Multiple Document Libraries – Part 1

In list workflow starting button

I am working on a project at work that required a button that the user would click to kick off a process based on a field they filled in.  Normally, a WorkFlow could be assigned to a list on creation or update of an item, but in this case, I need to have the ability to kick off different WorkFlows based on the current stage the item is in and, as I mentioned, the fields filled in by the user.  The first step is to get the button in the list. Since I am using a very restricted version of Continue reading In list workflow starting button

Asynchronously Annoyed

I have been struggling with an issue on SharePoint for a few days now.  If this was some other method, besides jQuery in a SharePoint page, I’m sure it would have been much easier to do. It all starts with ExecuteQueryAsync and trying to loop through recently saved items. The project I am working on requires a document review path, which is different based on the group or the type of document being reviewed.  After first attempting to create a list to handle this process, I went back to modifying the Document Library.  The Document Library isn’t exactly like a regular Continue reading Asynchronously Annoyed

CopyTo List Attachment to Shared Documents

As part of one of my projects at work, I was tasked to modify a form for a list to have the Attachment moved to the Document Library. When the file is in the Document Library, I can then apply all sorts of change control and stuff to the document. Being new to playing around with jQuery and JSOM in SharePoint, I searched the web for an example on how to do this action. I found that there was a method called copyTo that would do what I needed. Great! Now how do I use it? I searched around and Continue reading CopyTo List Attachment to Shared Documents

jQuery and SharePoint id

It has been a while since I’ve posted anythin new, this because the new focus for programming has been SharePoint and jQuery at my new job. I now work for CACI as a sub-contractor on a government job. They mainly use ColdFusion and HTML for their pages, but are currently switching over to SharePoint 2013. And by switching over, I mean redoing Lotus Notes apps and other non-web apps onto SharePoint. Being a government job, also means that SharePoint is locked down in ways that makes customization limited. Apparently to get around such limitations, Microsoft has provided JSOM to access Continue reading jQuery and SharePoint id