Maybe I CAN get this to work the way I want to.

I managed to figure out how to get php and Vue CLI to work together. Continue reading Maybe I CAN get this to work the way I want to.
code, applications, movies and thoughts about IoT, plus some other stuff
I managed to figure out how to get php and Vue CLI to work together. Continue reading Maybe I CAN get this to work the way I want to.
Trying to update old code with new code. Continue reading Dusting Off and Refreshing the Old Code
Working with PHP GD Image to Dynamically Create an Image Now that I have the correct max date query pulling the “To The Moon” coins list, it is time to work on creating an output image to let people share it with the world. From previous experience working with my website, before WordPress was WordPress, I knew that PHP had tools for manipulating images. I figured, I could take several images and text and combine them together to create a shareable image for each coin. While there is a great PHP image manipulation tool called ImageMagick, I am limited to Continue reading Creating A ‘To The Moon’ Image
After I added the dynamic search feature to my “To The Moon” 🚀 Coin Calculator, I noticed that the price of BitCoin (BTC) was not increasing. I knew that it was over USD$9,000 all day, but it was still showing a price just about USD$8,000. When I ran the query in the MySQL database, I noticed that it was pulling back the correct date, but not the correct price. QUERY FAIL!! So, it was off to figure out why my query wasn’t working. To start, I was using the MAX() function to retrieve the latest date added to the table. Continue reading Getting the Correct Max Date
After I created a Cron job using EasyCron to populate my cryptocurrency coin history tables, my next step was to create the capability to search through the 500 coins I had in the database. The To The Moon! Coin Calculator displays the Top 50 coins by market capitalization rank by default. The search would narrow it down to one coin. I am hoping, that in the next phase, that when the user selects one coin they will get more information than the list of 50. Since I want to prevent errors in retrieving the one coin, the best method is Continue reading Dynamic Search with PHP, jQuery and AutoComplete
I created my first cron job using EasyCron and it was Easy. As part of the second phase of my To The Moon! Coin Calculator, I needed to populate my database with information on a scheduled basis. Since I am using a hosting service that doesn’t have a schedule jobs feature, I looked to a third party app to get it done. EasyCron allows for anyone to create simple cron jobs for free or as a paid service, if you want more functionality. For my needs, the free service works well. I only plan on running my cron job 3 Continue reading Easy to Use EasyCron