As a member of an app developer group, you have the opportunity to hear of an app that you might not find looking in an app store. I usually try to help test the apps from the Baby Steps: BB Dev group before they get to the app world, but I didn’t have the time during this app’s development. Now that it is launched, I took the time to download it and give it a look.
CubiX is a side scrolling time touch game. In other words, a game that requires the user to touch the screen at the right time for the right amount of time in order for the player piece to keep advancing. The game was built using Unity, which they make you proudly display on the splash screen.
The second splash screen displays a warning to those who might suffer from epileptic attacks. So, take heed.
Because, welcome back to the 1980’s!
Now, I love the 80’s and pretty much wish to relive the glory of my youth. Hot pink and bright colors are part of the 80’s and all of this game. It might make the game a little hard to read, but you can’t complain that the user interface is boring.
Once you get past the start you are on to the first level. AgeTDev (aka Tom) has added a little help for when you are getting started with the game. That’s a good thing, because when he was looking for testers he wanted
Consider yourself warned.
As mentioned, the game play is that you tap the screen to make your hot pink cube jump to avoid or purposedly land on objects. Flat objects are good, as long as it isn’t the water. Pointed objects are bad. When you jump, the hot pink cube will rotate, allowing for more interaction with obstacles as you scroll along.
On the first level, there are pauses to help you learn the game, which make it feel like you are entering a slow motion round house kick. And when you fail, the screen zooms in on your complete failure to give you the feeling that you’re crashing off of a cliff. A couple of nice touches to the game.
It only took me 30 tries to complete the first level. The first pack of levels is free, with 2 unlocks.
The second pack is an in app purchase. In app purchases have been a hot topic in the developer group. We are always trying to figure out what is the best way to get monetary reward for our efforts, yet encourage people to try our apps. If you join AgeTDev’s BBM Channel (C003CC64C), he is planning to give away the 2nd pack. Also, you’ll get updates on when other level packs will be available.
CubiX is a fun game and falls into the easy, but hard and addictive category. If you need something to brighten a boring day, then this is definitely the game you need to download.
Check out CubiX in BlackBerry World! You can find it at
DeanLogic Passport
Dean has been playing around with programming ever since his family got an IBM PC back in the early 80's. Things have changed since BASICA and Dean has dabbled in HTML, JavaScript, Action Script, Flex, Flash, PHP, C#, C++, J2ME and SQL. On this site Dean likes to share his adventures in coding. And since programming isn't enough of a time killer, Dean has also picked up the hobby of short film creation.
This is my Passport account (formerly my Z30 account) . Any posts made by this account were created Working Wide with my BlackBerry Passport device.