This Is What Happens When You Don’t Follow Up on New Technology
So, my sad BitCoin (BTC) story is that I actually heard about BitCoin back in 2010. And, I really didn’t take the time to learn much about it or how to mine it. I did do some research, but it was all a bit confusing and BitCoin was only worth pennies or less at the time. I didn’t see the point.
Yes, I missed out big time.
Anyway, other people weren’t so short sighted and got into BitCoin back then and are enjoying their Lambo’s and such…
cause my returns just hit ten thousand x
used to be humble now I proudly flex
should I fly to Dubai or Saudi next?
and I only cashed out part of my assets
Now that I am in the crypto-game, due to Steem, my eyes have opened up to all sorts of things going on in the crypto-world. Apparently, there has been this Aussie talking about BitCoin for so long, they call her BitCoin Girl, but she is stuck with @SkyCorridors as her handle. I’m sure there’s a reason behind it, being that she’s been on Twitter since 2012 and probably not in the BitCoin game since then.
Well, for one reason or another, I started following her on Twitter and since sometimes she posts interesting things for me to make quirky remarks on, she gave me this gem to run with.

Anyway, I had no idea that Namoi had recorded her own BitCoin song until a Tweet I saw today.
Replying to @TheEllenShow
Ellen, have me on the show to talk to you about bitcoin!! I will sing you Taylor Swift songs to explain it!!
Which led me down the rabbit hole of BitCoin inspired songs. Just by chance, the first video I watched after Naomi Brockwell’s was from Naomi van der Velde, which got me going on a tangent. Here are a few others that I liked and my Tweets to Naomi, because I’m a annoying like that.
Obviously @naomilvdv and @SkyCorridors should be the Naomi duet driving force of “First Half BlockChain Concerts” #BitCoin#BitCoinMusic
@laurasaggers could make “First Half BlockChain Concerts” a trio with @SkyCorridors and @naomivdvuurst , but she’s going to have to change her first name to Naomi, obviously.
“First Half BlockChain Concerts” isn’t international enough, so I think @elainedtaylor should make it a quartet with @SkyCorridors@naomilvdv and @laurasaggers . Giving it more a Heart/Renaissance feel, but Elaine is going to have to change her name to Naomi as well.
Anyways, these ladies have talent and if the four of them ever get together to make an album about cryptocurrency, then you can thank me. Again.

This article was also posted on my Steemit blog.
Dean has been playing around with programming ever since his family got an IBM PC back in the early 80's. Things have changed since BASICA and Dean has dabbled in HTML, JavaScript, Action Script, Flex, Flash, PHP, C#, C++, J2ME and SQL. On this site Dean likes to share his adventures in coding. And since programming isn't enough of a time killer, Dean has also picked up the hobby of short film creation.