I went ahead and Stake it All! Stake it All!

I try to make some cryptocurrency tokens work for me. Continue reading I went ahead and Stake it All! Stake it All!
code, applications, movies and thoughts about IoT, plus some other stuff
I try to make some cryptocurrency tokens work for me. Continue reading I went ahead and Stake it All! Stake it All!
Claiming Your Stake For Rewards and Mining In the late 1800’s, citizens of the U.S.A. were given the opportunity to stake a land claim in the expanding territory of the west. One of these seven land run events was the Land Run of 1893, where an estimated 115,000 participants road horses, wagons, bikes or just ran to stake a claim on 6 million acres and 42,000 homesteads in what was previously grazing land for the Cherokee. The participants would have to run to a plotted out homestead, which was about 160 acres in size, and plant their flag. If you Continue reading Cryptocurrency : Proof of Stake
Colonizing Planets to Increase Resources It has been two weeks since I started playing SteemNova, an oGame based space strategy game using the 2Moon system. Welcome Back to Text Base Gaming Last week, in my Slow Times on SteemNova article, I mentioned that I had reached the point where each new level of building or research took a lot more Metal, Crystal and Deuterium. One of the ways to increase your resources is to colonize planets. You do this by researching Expedition Technology, building a Colony Ship and then sending it to a blank spot in your galaxy. While the price of the Continue reading SteemNova : Building My Galaxy
When the strategy game drags you on. It has been a week since I started playing SteemNova, a space strategy game using the OGame based Two Moons. Welcome Back to Text Base Gaming Since I started, I have created an Alliance with @gniksivart and @potplucker. Because I created it and the other guys didn’t care, I named it Logic Force. Which seems more like a policing group than a universe conquest team. Since all three of us have just started last week, we are still at the bottom half of the leader board. In fact, the only battles we’ve been in is that @gniksivart has been attacked Continue reading The Slow Times on SteemNova
I’ve decided to start playing SteemNova, what have I done!! The other day, I stumbled on a post that somehow led me to @steemnova.@steemnova is a blog for information about a text-based space game called SteemNova, which is hosted at http://steemnova.intinte.org. The only real connection to Steem, at the moment, is the blogs and the name. They hope to have some deeper connections in the future, but right now anyone can sign up and play. Maybe in the future, they can create a SMT that goes along with the game to reward people on the leader board. Currently, they are doing rewards this Continue reading Welcome Back to Text Base Gaming
Finally got the IOST Air Drop Deposit 10 Days ago, I saw an Air Drop for IOSToken and went through the steps, plus posting an article. Doing an Air Drop of IOStoken Luckily for me, @offgridlife followed through so that I would get 68 IOSToken. He also went through the steps and we waited. And waited… IOSToken Tweeted And we waited… Checked and yippee!! I now have a whopping 68 IOSToken (which I may or may not be able to do anything with on Binance). Also to note, I transferred some STEEM into Binance to get some Cindicator (CND). I Continue reading Air Drop – Success!