Column Chart with Item Renderer – updated

Okay, it didn’t take me long to get back and do some more fiddling with the Column Chart Item Renderer. I went ahead and changed the static ArrayCollection to a dynamic one, because I was trying to figure out something with Themes and needed a button and the button should do something. The ArrayCollection is fairly simple for this chart, so all I did was create a couple of random values from 0 to 100 and made the “date” value the counter time 10. I set it up so that you can press a button and create new data, which Continue reading Column Chart with Item Renderer – updated

Simple Chart Overlay

One of the screens I created for work is a “dashboard” type that allows the view to quickly see the current status of service call volume.   There are multiple charts on the display, but one of them is a column chart that shows the current day’s numbers vs. the prior week of the same day.  By having this information, the viewer can see if the volume of calls is in a “normal” range, because the it fluctuates throughout the day and the week, but is similar based on the day of the week.  Friday’s call volume is usually lower than Continue reading Simple Chart Overlay