AHP Sitewide Recent Posts – hack 2.0

After completing the initial hack, I went back to my production site and noticed that only one post from each site was being displayed. I believe this was the original intent of the plug-in, but I think that needs to be changed, so I made a little improvement. So now, the plug-in lets you set a max limit on the number of post per site. If you have a lot of sites, you’ll probably want to up the number of posts to display in general. Here is what I did.

The first thing I did was to split up the sql code into different parts.
The first part was changed to a simple count of the number of posts available.

$sqlCount = "SELECT count($blogPostsTable.ID) ";

The second part is the actual full select statement to get the post information.

$sqlSelect = "SELECT $blogPostsTable.post_date, $blog AS this_blog, $blogPostsTable.ID, $blogPostsTable.post_title,
			$blogPostsTable.post_content, wp_users.display_name,
			wp_users.user_email, wp_users.user_login ";

The third part is the rest of the select statement, except the order by, which will be used by both select statements.

$sqlFrom = "	FROM $blogPostsTable, wp_users
			WHERE wp_users.ID = $blogPostsTable.post_author
			AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post'
			AND post_date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL $how_long DAY)
			AND $blogPostsTable.id > 1 ";

The final part is the order by and limit statement that will be dynamically created based on the number of posts found.

$sqlOrder = "ORDER BY $blogPostsTable.post_date DESC limit $x,1";

As before, there is an initial query to get the number of posts available. But, I changed it to a var query, which will reduce the call to the database.

// build the count query
$sql = $sqlCount . '' .  $sqlFrom;
$postcount = $wpdb->get_var($sql);

Once I get that value back, if there are more than 0 posts, then I loop through the call getting each post and inserting it into the array.
I have to first make sure that the number of posts is not less than the per site post limit. If it is less, I use that number, but if it is more, then I just use the per site limit. The “x” counter lets me start the limit at the proper post and only go 1 row from that point. For example, when $x is 4, it goes to row 4 and gets only that one row. I rebuild the query and then get the post data to insert into the array, with the $i counting the array rows.

if($postcount > 0) {
	if ($postcount > $per_site) {
		$site_limit = $per_site;
	} else {
		$site_limit = $postcount;
	for($x = 0; $x < $site_limit; $x++){
		$sqlOrder = "	ORDER BY $blogPostsTable.post_date DESC limit $x,1";
		$sql = $sqlSelect . '' .  $sqlFrom .''. $sqlOrder;
		$postArray[$i] = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A);

To make sure the page formatting doesn’t break, I added the “per site” limit to the “how many” limit to make sure that the counter doesn’t go to high.
I changed out the $a counter with the $counter variable. And made sure that the “break” call was inside the while loop.

Finally I added a parameter to the function and defaulted the value at 2 per site.

function ahp_recent_posts($how_many, $how_long, $optmask = 255, $exc_size = 30, $per_site = 2, $begin_wrap = '<li class="ahp_recent-posts">', $end_wrap = '</li>')

Here is the complete code


Plugin Name: AHP Sitewide Recent Posts for WordPress MU
Plugin URI: http://www.metablog.us/blogging/ahp-recent-posts-plugin-for-wordpress-mu/
Description: Retrieves a highly customizable list of the most recent sitewide posts in a WordPress MU installation. Automatically excludes blog ID 1 (main blog), and post ID 1 (first "Hello World" posts of new blogs).
Author: Aziz Poonawalla
Author URI: http://metablog.us


$how_many: how many recent posts are being displayed
$how_long: time frame to choose recent posts from (in days)
$optmask: bitmask for various display options (default: 255)
	1;  // gravatar
	2;  // date
	4;  // author name
	8;  // comment count
	16; // blog name
	32; // post name
	64; // post excerpt
	128; // excerpt capitalization
$exc_size: size of excerpt in words (default: 30)
$begin_wrap: start html code (default: <li class="ahp_recent-posts">)
$end_wrap: end html code to adapt to different themes (default: </li>)


to show 5 posts from recent 30 days: <?php ahp_recent_posts(5, 30);  ?>


gravatar styling:  img.avatar-24 { float: left; padding: 0px; border: none; margin: 4px; clear: left; }
LI styling: li.ahp-recent-posts { list-style-type: none ;}
excerpt styling: .ahp-excerpt { margin-top: 2px }


- link gravatar icon to Extended Profile in buddypress, if installed
- widgetize
- show more than one post per blog

Version 0.8
Update Author: Dean Logan
Update Author URI: http://www.dean-logan.com
- Altered the post query to be a count
- added a "per site" limit for the number of posts per site
- modified closing call to include the "per site" limit

Version 0.7
Update Author: Dean Logan
Update Author URI: http://www.dean-logan.com
- altered loops add an array to store comments
- sort comment array and then display
- altered display layout

Version 0.6
Update Author: Aziz Poonawalla
Update Author URI: http://metablog.us
- added comment count display option
- added enable/disable excerpt capitalization
- consolidated title/name of post display options into bitmask
- reduced number of required arguments
- added class name ahp-recent-posts to default start html LI tags
- added class ahp-excerpt to excerpt block

Version 0.5
Update Author: Aziz Poonawalla
Update Author URI: http://metablog.us
- changed gravatar link to point to all posts by author on main blog (ID = 1).
- added date string, author output
- implemented bitmask to control gravatar, date, author output
- consolidated numwords argument with display argument

Version 0.4.1
Update Author: Aziz Poonawalla
Update Author URI: http://metablog.us
- added gravatar support, icon size 24px
- gravatar can be styled by img.avatar-24 in your css file
- gravatar image links to author's blog
- capitalization of first five words of the excerpt

Version 0.4.0
Update Author: Aziz Poonawalla
Update Author URI: http://metablog.us
- added exclusions for first blog, first post, enabled post excerpt

Version: 0.32
Update Author: G. Morehouse
Update Author URI: http://wiki.evernex.com/index.php?title=Wordpress_MU_sitewide_recent_posts_plugin

Version: 0.31
Update Author: Sven Laqua
Update Author URI: http://www.sl-works.de/

Version: 0.3
Author: Ron Rennick
Author URI: http://atypicalhomeschool.net/

function ahp_recent_posts($how_many, $how_long, $optmask = 255, $exc_size = 30, $per_site = 5, $begin_wrap = '<li class="ahp_recent-posts">', $end_wrap = '</li>') {
	global $wpdb;
	$counter = 0;

	$debug = 0;
	$blog_prefix = "Posted from ";
	$post_prefix = "";
	$auth_prefix = 'Posted by ';
	$com_prefix = ' &nbsp; currently ';
	$date_format = 'D M jS, Y';
	$grav_size = 60;

	$grav_flag = 1;  // gravatar
	$date_flag = 2;  // date
	$auth_flag = 4;  // author name
	$com_flag  = 8;  // comment count
	$name_flag = 16; // blog name
	$post_flag = 32; // post name
	$exc_flag  = 64; // post excerpt
	$cap_flag  = 128; // excerpt capitalization

	// set the various option flags
	if ($optmask & $grav_flag) { $use_grav = 1; } else { $use_grav = 0; }
	if ($optmask & $date_flag) { $use_date = 1; } else { $use_date = 0; }
	if ($optmask & $auth_flag) { $use_auth = 1; } else { $use_auth = 0; }
	if ($optmask & $com_flag)  { $use_com  = 1; } else { $use_com = 0;  }
	if ($optmask & $name_flag) { $use_name = 1; } else { $use_name = 0; }

	if ($optmask & $post_flag) { $use_post = 1; } else { $use_post = 0; }
	if ($optmask & $exc_flag)  { $use_exc  = 1; } else { $use_exc = 0;  }
	if ($optmask & $cap_flag)  { $use_cap  = 1; } else { $use_cap = 0;  }

	// debug block
	if ($debug) {
		echo '<hr>'.'opt = '.$optmask.': grav = '.$use_grav.', date = '.$use_date
		.', auth = '.$use_auth.', use_com = '.$use_com.', use_name = '.$use_name
		.', use_post = '.$use_post.', use_exc = '.$use_exc.', use_cap = '.$use_cap;

	// get a list of blogs in order of most recent update. show only public and nonarchived/spam/mature/deleted
	$blogs = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE
		public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' AND
		last_updated >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL $how_long DAY)
		ORDER BY last_updated DESC");

	$postArray = array();
	$i = 0;
	if ($blogs) {
		echo '<ul class="ahp_recent-posts">' . "\n";
		foreach ($blogs as $blog) {

			// we need _posts, _comments, and _options tables for this to work
		    $blogPostsTable = "wp_".$blog."_posts";

			// debug block
			if ($debug) {
				echo '<hr>processing blog '.$blog.' = <a href="'.
				$options[0]->option_value.'">'.$options[1]->option_value.'</a> <br>';

			// fetch the ID, post title, post content, post date, and user's email for the latest post
			$sqlCount = "SELECT count($blogPostsTable.ID) ";
			$sqlSelect = "SELECT $blogPostsTable.post_date, $blog AS this_blog, $blogPostsTable.ID, $blogPostsTable.post_title,
				$blogPostsTable.post_content, wp_users.display_name,
				wp_users.user_email, wp_users.user_login ";
			$sqlFrom = "	FROM $blogPostsTable, wp_users
				WHERE wp_users.ID = $blogPostsTable.post_author
				AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post'
				AND post_date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL $how_long DAY)
				AND $blogPostsTable.id > 1 ";
			// build the count query
			$sql = $sqlCount . '' .  $sqlFrom;
			$postcount = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
			// if posts are found, cycle through the count and get the correct number of posts
			if($postcount > 0) {
				if ($postcount > $per_site) {
					$site_limit = $per_site;
				} else {
					$site_limit = $postcount;
				for($x = 0; $x < $site_limit; $x++){
					$sqlOrder = "	ORDER BY $blogPostsTable.post_date DESC limit $x,1";
					$sql = $sqlSelect . '' .  $sqlFrom .''. $sqlOrder;
					$postArray[$i] = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A);

		if(count($postArray) > 0){
			array_multisort($postArray, SORT_DESC);
			while ($counter < count($postArray)){

				// debug block
				if ($debugflag) {
					echo 'processing thispost ID = ' . $postArray[$counter]['ID'] . '<br>';
					echo 'post_title = ' . $postArray[$counter]['post_title'] . '<br>';
					echo 'post_content = ' . $postArray[$counter]['post_content'] . '<br>';
					echo 'post_date = ' . $postArray[$counter]['post_date'] . '<br>';
					echo 'display_name = ' . $postArray[$counter]['display_name'] . '<br>';
					echo 'user_email = ' . $postArray[$counter]['user_email'] . '<br>';
					echo 'user_login = ' . $postArray[$counter]['user_login'] . '<br>';
					echo 'site_url = ' . $postArray[$counter]['option_value'] . '<br>';

				// get post ID
				$thispostID = $postArray[$counter]['ID'];

				// get permalink by ID.  check wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php
				$thispermalink = get_blog_permalink( $postArray[$counter]['this_blog'], $thispostID);

				// set blog tables
				$blogOptionsTable = "wp_" . $postArray[$counter]['this_blog'] . "_options";
				$blogCommentsTable = "wp_" . $postArray[$counter]['this_blog'] . "_comments";

				// get blog name,  URL
				if ($use_name) {

					$options = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_value FROM
					$blogOptionsTable WHERE option_name IN ('siteurl','blogname')
					ORDER BY option_name DESC");

					$blog_link = $options[0]->option_value;
					$blog_name = $options[1]->option_value;
					$this_blogname = $blog_prefix.'<a href="' . $blog_link . '">' . $blog_name . '</a>';

				} else { $this_blogname = ''; }

				// get comments
				if ($use_com) {

					// sql query for all comments on the current post
					$thesecomments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_ID
					FROM $blogCommentsTable
					WHERE comment_post_ID = $thispostID");

					// count total number of comments
					$num_comments = sizeof($thesecomments);

					// pretty text
					if ($num_comments == 0) { $thiscomment = $com_prefix.'no comments'; }
					elseif ($num_comments == 1) { $thiscomment = $com_prefix.'one comment'; }
					else { $thiscomment = $com_prefix.$num_comments.' comments'; }

				} else { $thiscomment = ''; }

				// get author
				if ($use_auth) {
					$thisauthor = $auth_prefix.$postArray[$counter]['display_name'];
				} else { $thisauthor = ''; }

				// get author's posts link
				$thisuser = $thispost[0]->user_login;
				$thisuser_url = $thisbloglink."author/".$thisuser;

				// get gravatar
				if ($use_grav) {
					$grav_img = get_avatar( $postArray[$counter]['user_email'] , $grav_size );
					$thisgravatar = '<a href="'.$thisuser_url.'">'.$grav_img.'</a>';
				} else { $thisgravatar = ''; }

				// get post date (nicely formatted)
				if ($use_date) {
					//$thisdate = date($date_format, strtotime( $thispost[0]->post_date )) ;
					$thisdate = '<span class="dateMonth">' . date('M', strtotime( $postArray[$counter]['post_date'] )) . '</span>';
					$thisdate .= '<span class="dateDay">' . date('d', strtotime( $postArray[$counter]['post_date'] )) . '</span>';
					$thisdate .= '<span class="dateYear">' . date('Y', strtotime( $postArray[$counter]['post_date'] )) . '</span>';
					$thistime = date('g:i a', strtotime( $postArray[$counter]['post_date'] ));
				} else { $thisdate = ''; }

				// get post name
				if ($use_post) {
					$this_postname = $post_prefix . '<a href="' . $thispermalink . '">'  .$postArray[$counter]['post_title'] . '</a><br>';
				} else {
					$this_postname = ''; }

				if ($use_exc) {
					if ($exc_size == 0) {
						$thisexcerpt = '';
					} else {
						// get post content and truncate to (numwords) words
						$thiscontent = strip_tags( $postArray[$counter]['post_content'] );
						preg_match("/([\S]+\s*){0,$exc_size}/", $thiscontent, $regs);

						if ($use_cap) {
							// build the excerpt html block, capitalize first five words
							$trunc_content = explode( ' ', trim($regs[0]) , 6 );
							$exc_str = strtoupper($trunc_content[0]).' '
							.strtoupper($trunc_content[1]).' '
							.strtoupper($trunc_content[2]).' '
							.strtoupper($trunc_content[3]).' '
							.strtoupper($trunc_content[4]).' '
							.$trunc_content[5].'... ';
						} else { $exc_str = trim($regs[0]); }

						$thisexcerpt = '<span style="ahp-excerpt">'.$exc_str
						.'<a href="'.$thispermalink.'">'
				} else { $thisexcerpt = ''; }

					echo $begin_wrap
					. '<div class="date">' . $thisdate . '</div>'
					. '<div id="avatar" style="margin-left:65px; margin-top:14px;">' . $thisgravatar . '</div>'
					. '<h3>' . $this_postname . '</h3>'
					. '<div class="postmetadata">&nbsp;@ ' . $thistime . '<br /><div id="author">' . $thisauthor . '</div>'
					. '<br /><div id="blogname">&nbsp;' . $this_blogname . '</div><div id="comment"> | ' . $thiscomment . '</div></div>'
					. '<div id="excerpt">' . $thisexcerpt . '</div>'
					. $end_wrap  . "\n";


				// don't go over the limit
				if($counter >= ($how_many)) {
	else {
		//echo "no recent posts meet the criteria...<br>";

About DeanLogic
Dean has been playing around with programming ever since his family got an IBM PC back in the early 80's. Things have changed since BASICA and Dean has dabbled in HTML, JavaScript, Action Script, Flex, Flash, PHP, C#, C++, J2ME and SQL. On this site Dean likes to share his adventures in coding. And since programming isn't enough of a time killer, Dean has also picked up the hobby of short film creation.

About DeanLogic

Dean has been playing around with programming ever since his family got an IBM PC back in the early 80's. Things have changed since BASICA and Dean has dabbled in HTML, JavaScript, Action Script, Flex, Flash, PHP, C#, C++, J2ME and SQL. On this site Dean likes to share his adventures in coding. And since programming isn't enough of a time killer, Dean has also picked up the hobby of short film creation.

3 Replies to “AHP Sitewide Recent Posts – hack 2.0”

  1. The part of the plugin that displays the output is here. If you don't want something to show, then just remove that part of the text.
    You should remove the div tags and everything between for the "avatar" and "author".

    echo $begin_wrap
    . '<div class="date">' . $thisdate . '</div>'
    . '<div id="avatar" style="margin-left:65px; margin-top:14px;">' . $thisgravatar . '</div>'
    . '<h3>' . $this_postname . '</h3>'
    . '<div class="postmetadata">&nbsp;@ ' . $thistime . '
    <div id="author">' . $thisauthor . '</div>'
    . '
    <div id="blogname">&nbsp;' . $this_blogname . '</div><div id="comment"> | ' . $thiscomment . '</div></div>'
    . '<div id="excerpt">' . $thisexcerpt . '</div>'
    . $end_wrap . "\\n";

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