Privacy Policy, Change Log and the App Menu Definition

In an attempt to get a free Red Z10, I tried to get my Meetup application finished by a drop dead date and submitted to Built for BlackBerry by Oct. 21st.  That didn’t work, but the app is available, in probably more of a beta state.  I’m working on the fixes when I can.  As part of the Built for BlackBerry requirements, you have to provide a link to a Privacy Policy from your application.  From the developer forums, there were two ways to link to the Privacy Policy.  One method seemed to be a link from the vendor portal, Continue reading Privacy Policy, Change Log and the App Menu Definition

Checking for a COLUMN before ALTER TABLE

SQLite is one of the many ways to store data on BB10. I find it is easier for me to use sql calls to get the information I want then doing the old BB OS way of using Vectors.  Also, instead of using DataModels to populate a form in BB10, I am calling from the database and then creating a instance of the item to fill in, once I have retrieved the data (I’ll write up another post about that).  The issue with SQLite is that it is “Lite”, which means not all functionality is available in order to reduce Continue reading Checking for a COLUMN before ALTER TABLE

QML function from child Tab c++ call

Well, that’s a mouth full of a title.  It means, that I am going to share how I called a JavaScript function in my main QML page from a Tab that called a c++ function.  Okay…still need to break it down even further. I am creating an application that uses OAuth 2.0 to get and send data.  If the application hasn’t already stored the access tokens, I need for the user to give the application access.  When the authentication is complete, I need to remove the Login Tab and make the other Tabs enabled.  Since the authentication function has to Continue reading QML function from child Tab c++ call

OAuth2 with WebView and C++ call

I have been struggling with figuring out OAuth connection for an application I am trying to create for BB10.  There are examples for WebWorks and Native in the GitHub repositories, but they weren’t very straight forward.  And there were hints and posts that it could be done in a more simple method using WebView.  After looking at a bunch of different code, I finally figured it out and not it seems easy.  The key was to use the WebView for the initial call for OAuth to get a code to send for the final Access authentication and then use C++ Continue reading OAuth2 with WebView and C++ call

DataModel Change Trigger

As I am working through creating a minimum application template, I want to make sure I have the features that will be needed in almost any application.  One of those would be to trigger a notification that the DataModel has been updated.  An example use of this is a ListView populated using a DataModel.  In the application I created for work, when I add a new sales lead through the form, the user gets sent back to a ListView of all the entered leads saved in the device sql database.  After the data is inserted into the table successfully, then Continue reading DataModel Change Trigger

BB10 Cascades Minimum Template

While getting to learn BB10 Cascades and Native, one of the most annoying issue is trying to figure out where to start with the project. When you create a new BlackBerry Project using QNX Momentics IDE, you can select from either Native or Cascades. From there, you can select different levels of templates. For the Cascades templates, you can either choose Standard empty project, List View, Tabbed Pane or Navigation Pane. This would be fine if you were going to do everything needed just in Cascades. But, (I’m new to this, so I could be wrong), if you want to Continue reading BB10 Cascades Minimum Template