Cascades and auto animation

While I am trying to work on the next release for my Meetup app, I decided to take a little diversion to make a simple game app. Well, simple game app has taken a little bit longer than expected, but while working on the code, I learned a little unexpected feature about Cascades. When you want to place an item in a Container, you can let the Container handle the placement, or you can set the X and Y coordinates for the control (which is a subclass of a VisualNode). The values to set are the TranslationX and TranslationY, which Continue reading Cascades and auto animation

Chat Style ListView

While I am continuing to add features to my Meetup for BlackBerry 10 app, I was wondering how I could add a chat like look when I show the Event Comments.  I was hoping that there would be a simple setting in the ListView to display the items in that format, but alas, that’s not the case.  However, with the help from Joe on the BBM Group for BB10 developer newbies (Baby Steps: BB Dev), we came up with a simple solution. The first step is to get your DataGroupModel in the right format.  When Meetup sends the Event Comments, Continue reading Chat Style ListView

DeanLogic now has a BBM Channel

BlackBerry has been trying to get back its mobile market share. Part of this strategy was to create BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for Android and Apple.  BBM is probably the best messenger app out there, but due to Android and Apple’s increased popularity, BBM has fallen in popularity.  However, even before the official release, BBM on Apple and Android definitely has a demand.  BlackBerry wasn’t going to just keep the old BBM either.  For BlackBerry users, they added Voice and Video chat over Wi-fi.  And then for the BB10 phones, they added Screenshare through BBM.  As an IT person and an Continue reading DeanLogic now has a BBM Channel

Release 1.1.1 look at the download reports

I did a small update to fix an issue with the OAuth Token expiring while the app was working. When the user enters the app from being closed, it updates (sometimes it requires a user action). I would prefer to get this fixed that after the initial authentication, any other update will go automatically. I also fixed the pinch to zoom method of looking at the pictures and added an email feedback in the app menu. I added the email feedback because I got another review stating that the app didn’t work on a Z10. With no way of contacting Continue reading Release 1.1.1 look at the download reports

Easy pinch zoom for ImageView

As part of my Meetup for BlackBerry 10 app, I provide the photo albums for the user’s groups.  With the list of albums, the user can drill down to see a list of the images and then click on the individual image. The image is loaded into the ImageView component from a url on  Due the obvious screen size difference between the files upload and a phone, the image is re-sized to fit on the available screen.  Regardless if the screen is the 1:1 Q5/10 or the 16:8/9 Z10/30, the user will need to zoom in on the picture Continue reading Easy pinch zoom for ImageView

Better way of adding a Sheet

I am making some more updates to my Meetup for BlackBerry 10 app and wanted to add a page for Settings, which is accessible from the pull down app menu.   Screens in Cascades are either a Page or Sheet contained by themselves or in a Tab or Navigation panes.  My application is already setup using a TabbedPane, so in order to add something that isn’t a Tab, I need to display a Sheet.  Previously, I added a sheet to a photo album page to show a single photo.  After you define the sheet on the Page, to display it, you Continue reading Better way of adding a Sheet