The BlackBerry Nabu

I recently posted a wish of mine, BlackBerry getting a smart watch by purchasing Kairos and making it their own. But, I don’t think BlackBerry should just stop at watches. I believe that they should have all sorts of smart wearables. The Kairos watch also has the option of providing a smart band, which makes any watch a smart watch. It also does health monitoring, which brings me to the Razer Nabu. Razer provides gaming systems and peripherals, so they aren’t new to the tech community.  So, unlike Kairos, they probably won’t make or break on a wearable.  But, getting into Continue reading The BlackBerry Nabu

The BlackBerry Kairos Smartwatch

As I have stated before, I am okay with the whole smart watch concept, but I believe that most smart watches are going down the wrong path in their implementation. I don’t believe a smart watch should be a complete replacement for your smart phone. I believe that it should complement the phone and also do its main function; tell time.  Also, I am a big fan of keeping BlackBerry around and helping them thrive and grow into different areas.  My support isn’t solely based on my app building, but in my strong belief that innovation only really happens when their Continue reading The BlackBerry Kairos Smartwatch