About DeanLogic

Dean has been playing around with programming ever since his family got an IBM PC back in the early 80's. Things have changed since BASICA and Dean has dabbled in HTML, JavaScript, Action Script, Flex, Flash, PHP, C#, C++, J2ME and SQL. On this site Dean likes to share his adventures in coding. And since programming isn't enough of a time killer, Dean has also picked up the hobby of short film creation.

Upgrading to Apache Flex

Since I don’t keep as up-to-date with tools at work as I would like to, it came as a little bit of a surprise that Adobe had given Flex over to the Apache foundation as Apache Flex. 2011: Adobe decides to contribute Flex to the ASF The decision is made within Adobe to incubate Flex at the ASF. Work starts on the incubation proposal, on explaining internally what this means, on the legal/IP clearance steps required to donate the code and on recruiting initial committers who will help get the project started. Obviously, I was a little slow on the Continue reading Upgrading to Apache Flex

Color name to uint value

Filing under the “why didn’t I find this before” folder. On the Adobe Flex forums, there was a question about changing the color value of a button based on a switch statement. The user was trying to change the value to “Red”, “Yellow” or “Green”. In the button, the type for color is uint value, so the input needs to be something like “0x990000” for “Red”. I usually just insert in the uint value for a color and not the name, since I usually have to change it. But, this question on the forum got me thinking and searching for Continue reading Color name to uint value

Continuos Vibrate and Music Alert until Confirmation : update

I had recently thought I solved my issue with creating a continuous vibrate and music alert for the BlackBerry application that I created for work. Unfortunately, when I put the fix on to the phone, the volume level of the music was very low, even though I had the volume set to 100%. So, it was back to the drawing board to try and figure out how to get this working. The main issue was determining if the music had finished and then starting it again until the user pressed a key. After messing around with NotificationsEngineListener, Event and the Continue reading Continuos Vibrate and Music Alert until Confirmation : update

DataGrid Row Move

Another question on the Flex Forum about how to move a selected row on the DataGrid up or down, based on a button click.  The answer is straight forward, but with a catch. When you click on the DataGrid, it will give you an index for the row you have clicked.  The first row in the DataGrid is 0.  If you wanted to simply move a row up and down the DataGrid, then you simply add or subtract 1 from the selected index. Simple enough.  Unless you sort the DataGrid, which throws that out of wack and is pointless.  So, Continue reading DataGrid Row Move

BB10 AIR Getting Started Completely

I have been meaning to get started on some BlackBerry 10 development, so I loaded the SDK for AIR and Flash Builder 4.6. With Flash Builder 4.6, you are supposedly able to create an iOS, Android or BlackBerry (tablet and BB10) application all at the same time. However, when you build for the least common denominator, you lose functionality for a specific platform. Because of this (and that I really don’t need to develop for iOS or Android at the moment) I started an application only for the BlackBerry. While attempting to install VMWare for the virtual machine that allows Continue reading BB10 AIR Getting Started Completely

Column Chart with Item Renderer – updated

Okay, it didn’t take me long to get back and do some more fiddling with the Column Chart Item Renderer. I went ahead and changed the static ArrayCollection to a dynamic one, because I was trying to figure out something with Themes and needed a button and the button should do something. The ArrayCollection is fairly simple for this chart, so all I did was create a couple of random values from 0 to 100 and made the “date” value the counter time 10. I set it up so that you can press a button and create new data, which Continue reading Column Chart with Item Renderer – updated