Easy pinch zoom for ImageView

As part of my Meetup for BlackBerry 10 app, I provide the photo albums for the user’s groups.  With the list of albums, the user can drill down to see a list of the images and then click on the individual image. The image is loaded into the ImageView component from a url on Meetup.com.  Due the obvious screen size difference between the files upload and a phone, the image is re-sized to fit on the available screen.  Regardless if the screen is the 1:1 Q5/10 or the 16:8/9 Z10/30, the user will need to zoom in on the picture Continue reading Easy pinch zoom for ImageView

A look at my download reports

I released my first BB10 app back on Oct. 28th (trying to get a free Red Z10) and then I did an update on Dec. 04. When you do a basic report in the BlackBerry Vendor World, you see something like this. Which doesn’t tell you much, except for that a bunch of people updated the app when I released the new version. To get more detailed information, you do scheduled report (which is a misleading title).  A scheduled report is an CSV output of the application, date downloaded, batch file downloaded, application version, device model, device OS, country, carrier Continue reading A look at my download reports

Upgrading to Apache Flex

Since I don’t keep as up-to-date with tools at work as I would like to, it came as a little bit of a surprise that Adobe had given Flex over to the Apache foundation as Apache Flex. 2011: Adobe decides to contribute Flex to the ASF The decision is made within Adobe to incubate Flex at the ASF. Work starts on the incubation proposal, on explaining internally what this means, on the legal/IP clearance steps required to donate the code and on recruiting initial committers who will help get the project started. Obviously, I was a little slow on the Continue reading Upgrading to Apache Flex

BB10 AIR Getting Started Completely

I have been meaning to get started on some BlackBerry 10 development, so I loaded the SDK for AIR and Flash Builder 4.6. With Flash Builder 4.6, you are supposedly able to create an iOS, Android or BlackBerry (tablet and BB10) application all at the same time. However, when you build for the least common denominator, you lose functionality for a specific platform. Because of this (and that I really don’t need to develop for iOS or Android at the moment) I started an application only for the BlackBerry. While attempting to install VMWare for the virtual machine that allows Continue reading BB10 AIR Getting Started Completely

Using BlackBerry Z10 and your game controller to play games

When I started hearing about QNX and BB10, I have always had the impression that the goal of the BB10 phones is that everything is an accessory to the phone.  Since… forever, there has been talk of wearable computers.  There have been many attempts at doing this, but most are clunky and not very practical.  As cell phones morphed from brinks to smart phones, the capabilities have increased to the point where today’s phones are more powerful than the computers I used in the 90s.  This advancement in technology pushes us closer to the wearable computer.  The main downfall to Continue reading Using BlackBerry Z10 and your game controller to play games

Cursing the cursor

It would seem that every step to upgrade to OS 6 and use SQLite for my BlackBerry java application comes with its own little headaches. I’m sure there is some sort of documentation somewhere that would make it a little easier to do this coding. But, until then, I’ll just muddle along. The key reason for using SQLite is so that I can populate the device-side information easily.  Unfortunately, the data sent to the device is not in the best format at the moment.  So, I have to take sudo HTML tables and parse them out into data to be Continue reading Cursing the cursor